Saturday, January 9, 2010

91 - I. Am. Hardcore.

That is what I said to myself after tonite's race- by far one of the most intense races ever!  This 8 mile race ended up being 8.7 miles - four 2+ mile loops through trails covered in 6 inches of snow!  It really was crazy.  After the first loop I thought "really, I have to do this 4 more times?"  Not to mention my back/nerve was killing me and it was literally 3 degrees out.  My eyelashes froze shut and I kept having to put my gloves over my face to melt them.  If that isn't hard core, I don't know what is!  One of my running friends from my Thursday night group did it (it was his idea) and I spent a large part of the race cursing his name!  In the end, it was all good though as I came in first overall female with a course record (although this race is only in it's second year but whatevs...)  I won a cozy fleece blanket! :)  Yay!  Unfortunately, the uneven snow-footing has pushed my back to a whole new level of hurt and I can barely walk.  I made plans to meet my training bud tomorrow morning for a long run so that should be interesting.  I think I'll just defrost under the covers and hope it goes away!

Good times runners.  Keep it real.

1 comment:

  1. totally hardcore. and way to win!! that's an awesome prize. but take care of that nerve problem, nerves are things that do not like to be messed with.

    also: is your countdown right? accoring to my math yesterday (jan 9th) was t-100 days 'til boston. but then again you might be counting down to something before boston?
