Thursday, July 8, 2010

94- wet run and one more day!

I can't believe how fast my 'week' goes by!  Between working and running, I can't believe that it is already time for me to go back up north tomorrow for play time!  (Well, truth be told, I need to actually start working on prep for next year's schoolyear, considering I'm teaching two new classes and haven't touched anything since the last day of school.  but I digress.....)

Today is Thursday which meant another workout with Mike at Running Club.  My Thursday's call for a 5morning, 6 evening split, but since Mike is doing workouts on Thrusdays, I've been just doing what he's doing at Running Club.  Tonite was an 'easy' workout that called for 7 miles, with 2x1 mile at 6:42 pace.  (Sidenote: this morning was an easy 5 miles at its-4am-and-dark-and-my-legs-are-still-sleeping pace).  Actually, all day going outside was horrible because the humidity was so intense that it literally felt like you were sucking air through a straw.  After I got out of the Bakeshop at 2pm I had no time for a nap which stunk because I headed into the workout sleepy.  But I digress again....

Driving to Running Club, the sky turned grey and it started to rain.  Not in a good way.  It was not a cooling lovely shower, but rather a hot, slug.  The second we set off on our route it started to pour.  Mike and I seriously laughed about this.  Just our luck.  After an all too fast 2 miles, we started off on the first repeat.  Since we both haven't done speed in forever, we hit 5:50 pace the first 100 yards and had to back off.  We were running down dirt roads, spraying water everywhere and were completely soaked.  Very fun, truly.  Mile 1 = 6:35.  800 jog rest.  Mile 2 = 6:38.  Both felt *fairly* easy up until the last 400m or so when I looked at my Garmin every 2 seconds or so, lol.  I actually felt strong which is good.  I'll take what I can get.  It felt good to break back into speed.  And it was enjoyable to run the 2.5 mile cooldown with Mike looking like we had just gone swimming!  Certainly a run to remember.

Now I gotta go.  I'm smelling up this cafe in my running clothes and I have to get home and pack for up north so I can leave when I get off work at 2pm.  Plus, setting my alarm for an early run.  CAN'T WAIT to get back up north.  My 'workweeks' here are short, but intense.  All good though.  I'm loving life at either location!

1 comment:

  1. jeez i know how you feel about time flying. i just want time to sloooooooooow down. have fun up north! and hah to smelling up that cafe, it's pretty much how i've been living my life lately.
