Monday, March 1, 2010

49- a new week

Yay for having internet back!  I just called comcast and pushed a bunch of bottons on a recording and they sent a 'refresh' signal to my router.  Whatever that means, it worked! :)

Not much to report for today.  Honestly, I'm wiped out even though today was chill both work-wise and workout wise.  Only teaching today and I did a fairly easy recovery run this morning + swim.  Both felt good and my legs don't seem to be feeling yesterday's long run hardly at all.  I'm not quite sure what's going on with me but my body just continually felt worse as the day went on (ie tired/heavy)  It may be related to my appetite/eating because I've been weirdly not-hungry the past few days and didn't eat nearly as much as I usually do on a long run day/today.  I'm hoping it is not an illness of any kind because that is the last thing I need right now!

Off to drag my booty to bed for some extra sleeps!

1 comment:

  1. haha i am the same way with pushing buttons on the phone then letting others work their magic!

    and remember to fuel up girl! you don't want your running and training to suffer because youre not eating enough

    oh and i can't believe we're under t-50 days. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
