Tuesday, March 16, 2010

34- sun is back!

After a cloudy weekend, the sun was back out today!!!  Sooo nice!  Too bad it was still only in the 30s when I ran this morning. 

Let me just say that my run was GRAND this morning.  I came within feet of 3 deer, I saw the sun rise in the most beautiful way and I totally freestyled the route.  And I felt really good.  My body is interesting in the fact that I can pretty much tell right away what type of run it is going to be.  Like yesterday, I felt sluggish from the start and it held the whole run.  Today, within the first dark, cold half mile, I could tell I just felt 'on.'  Like I got in my pace and locked in.  I didn't even bother to look at my Garmin and just WENT.  When I finished, I figured my pace would be in the low-mid 8's per mile (because it felt fairly comfortable the whole time).  Buttt, it was great to see instead that I ran the 10 miles at a 7:42/mile pace, with all the splits pretty much within 10 seconds of that.  This was probably the best part because I tend to be inconsistant and all over the place with pacing.  Last mile = fastest = 7:36.  Just how I like it.  Not a bad way to start the day at all.

Theennn, I SWAM after work.  Ahhhh.  Seriously, it is like a treat for my body.  And, like running, I HATE looking at the clock/knowing how long I have been going.  So, I just start swimming and when I think it has been awhile I check by feeling how 'pruny' my fingers have gotten.  Seriously, I have it down to a science.  I can almost tell to the minute how long I have been in!  Today's swim was especially amazing, just because it had been a few days since I last hit up the pool.  My pull series wasn't super-strong but whatevs.  I keep swimming low pressure.

And now I'm back at mi casa, trying to pack up my life for the upcoming move.  I will probably hit the sack when it is still light out because I have bakery duty in the morning + teaching + swim class, so it will be a 14 hour day (with a run in there somewhere!)  I know lots of you out there are super busy this time of year, but we will all get through it!
Hope the sun is shining where you are!

1 comment:

  1. sun = amazing. doesn't matter what the temp is. that said i wish that it would get warmer when i get up haha!

    but way to not let that rock you. i only dream about running sub-7s for a double digit run! rock on!!

    too funny that you can tell how long youve been in the water by how pruney your fingers are. that's serious talent :)
