Friday, March 26, 2010

24- Long Run with Pops!

Today was all about my Pops!  I'm so proud of him- 15.2 miles on his big 5-2!  It was his longest run ever, and I am so proud of him- what an honor to be part of that.  Let me back up....

The morning began in the pre-dawn hours at 5am.  I had to get up and on the road to meet my parents to go up north!  We met at 7:30am, dumped my car (ie parked it at the airport) and continued as one for the drive.  The car was packed with all our food and such for the weekend + the cat who actually had to make the trip because his cat sitter (ie me!) was coming too.  After chatting for a bit, a coffee stop, and me promptly passing out with a fleece blanket over my face- we were there!  Unfortunately it was FREEZING.  Snow flurries and 20 degrees!  Although not ideal (ie driving/getting up early/lunch time), we set off for our run at 12 noon.  Up north = hilly.  Hillier than my town and MUCH hillier than my parents.  We were bundled to the max too, cuz of the chilly temps.  That wasn't cool.  I hate wearing lots of clothes!

Honestly, the miles went by pretty fast and I was surprised at how easy is was for my dad and how conversational we were.  The route was a big loop, which was nice too because I hadn't run it since the summer.  For me, I was pleased at how great my legs felt after a decently hard week of running + swimming.  I tried to let my dad set the pace because honestly, I didn't really care.  We finished at about a 9 min/mile pace which I was so happy with for my dad- he is in such good shape!  I am so happy/blessed to be able to run with my dad! 

I continued on for a few more miles afterward, and about an 8:30pace.  I ended up running 19 miles- I hate the number 20!  Nature was calling at this point + I was hungry as it was almost 3pm, and I hadn't eaten since a yogurt for b-fast at 9am in the car!  I was happy with how comfortable the run felt overall.  I realize the pace was slower than usual, but still 19 miles is 19 miles!

The rest of the day was spent preparing and eating foods + presents.  Now we are just chilling out with the limited TV selection of up north and I am trying to keep my eyes from closing.  The best part is that it is only FRIDAY and I have my long run done for the weekend.  I really love the LR, but I hate always having to push it to Sunday because of my work schedule.  I'm looking forward to a weekend of shorter runs + random up north shopping + 2 new free-reading books + NO WORK!  Andddd, the best part of all- 2 days to sleep in!  If you guys 'know' me, you know this is what I crave after my early wakeups all week long!  Speaking of which......

Have a great Friday Night! :)


  1. sooo jealous of your running with the daddio! happy birthday to him and woot for him too. is he as hardcore a runner as you?

    and i feel you about long runs on sundays. i hate them. this week i'm doing a race as my long run and i don't know what i'm going to do tomorrow without going the distance!


    Your dad is a machine. It stands to reason that you, too, are an extraordinary machine (thanks for a great lyric, Fiona Apple).
