Well, I did it. I'm back home in my apartment with a mountain of cleaning and unpacking to do. Living out of a clothes basket at 2 houses all summer has left my apartment in shambles so I'm anxious to get it all sorted out! Too bad I have to work the next two days....
Running wise, it was not so great of a day. I got up EARLY to do my mid-long run of 15 miles up north, only to find there was storming and horizontal rain happening with huge winds. Boo. I waited it out as long as I could, but by the time I got out there, I knew I would only have time for 10. Which worked out because the 10 miles felt like 15..lol. My legs would not fire and were sooo tired. (hey, that rhymes!) Plus, I was super hungry before I started, and even though I ate something I was hungry by 4 miles in and stayed that way the whole time. By the last mile, I seriously felt like I was walking and felt hungry, thirsty, and zapped of all energy. My pace ended up being in the 8:40s which didn't make me too happy. Plus, I was looking forward to only having one run today, but now I knew I still had to get in 5 more miles....
Fast-forward my drive, unloading and it was 4pm. And 90 degrees. So I headed out. It felt good to be on my old streets again, as the routes up north were kind of getting old. I did my five mile loop which felt equally terrible as this morning. Atleast I managed a 7:58 pace. I rushed over to the Farmer's Market before it closed so that I could stock up. The reason I had to be back here was my dad was in town with business and he was stopping by to help me with some stuff around my apartment. Because I'm 24 and am not currently seeing anyone, I need to still rely on my dad for stuff-that-you-need-a-guy-to-help-you-with. Plus, I got to see him. :) Anddd, once we got done with everything and it was 8pm, and my dad just so happened to have running clothes with him, we did a quick shake out 2 miler. I can never turn down an extra run, especially not with my Pops! Surprisingly, my legs felt the best on this run, even though it rounded out 17 miles for the day. I'm looking forward to a couple days of low-ish milage now before my Sunday long run. I kind of shuffled my days this week in my training schedule so that I could get the milage early in the week and have less to squeeze in on my early work days. My legs are paying for it though....
Off to read and set the alarm for 4:45am...ugh....
running along solid familiar routes is the best. especially with your pops. you are such a mileage beast! i'm loving it :)