Monday, August 23, 2010

48- and so it begins...

Short and sweet tonite, because honestly I'm just not feeling it...

First day back at work today.  No students, just professional development.  Honestly, it was good.  It felt good to run, get cleaned up, put on a nice outfit, "do my hair" ie not ponytail it, and drive on the freeway for 45 minutes with my cup of coffee to my 'real job.'  Not that I don't love the bakery.  It just makes me feel more legit to be a teacher.  Is that bad?  Plus, I just roll out of bed in my sweats and go there.  It felt kind of good to actually care about my appearence.  Although the day itself was fairly boring it was nice to see everyone again and catch up.  I don't have any close teacher friends at my school, mostly because I'm so young/single/am SO different than them, but I do have a few acquaitences that were nice to see.  Plus, we basically just sat there all day which I didn't mind because both my jobs (ie bakery and actually teaching) are so active.  It was nice just to stare at the speakers for a few hours.....which is good because it will all be happening again tomorrow.  Plus, I got my pic taken for the staff board and it looked really good! :)  Just sayin.....

So how about running? Yeah, I'm honestly really not feeling it.  This morning was another pre-dawn run because I had to be at school at 8:30.  I ran 'fast' for pre-dawn, 6 miles at 8:17 pace.  I usually never break 8:30 pace because it is so early, I haven't eaten, and it is pitch dark.  So that was nice.  The last thing I wanted to do was run again when I got home at 4:30 though.  I really had to push myself out the door.  Plus, my stomach was killing me and it was windy and humid.  I did my 'country' 6 mile route where upon I saw 5 road kills in the first 2 miles.  Nice.  My Garmin died at mile 6, but I think it was about a 7:52 pace.  It felt hard the whole time because mentally I wasn't there.  I don't know what is going on lately with my running.  But it needs to stop.  Any advice out there? 

Atleast 12 miles of recovery is in the books for today.  I got alot of my stuff organized tonite too at my apartment since I still hadn't unpacked from the time up north.  So that is good.  I'm off to bed soon so I can do it all over again tomorrow....


  1. girlllll 8:17 is way fast. for real :) don't even front!

    maybe you're doing too much running? i know lots of my funks stay funky because i have the mindset that the cure to bad runs is to run more. which isn't always the case i'm finding out the hard way! i dealt with this same issue during boston training and probably the best thing i did was rest. granted i was forced to but it helped a lot

  2. Hey, I'm just a dorky lurker from RW, but my assessment is that you're already way overtrained. I'm shooting to run 3:00 in Chicago, and I take at least one day completely off each week. I never do doubles, and I'll peak at 70/week. More isn't always better. Good luck!
