Hmm, what to say about today....
Not much out of the ordinary happend. My running distance-wise was low because I worked both jobs today and had limited time. I prioritized sleeping after a 19 mile day yesterday, over getting up at 3:45am to run. Sooo, that left tonite. Track workout night! dooo doo doooooooo
I met up with Mike and a couple others at the track. Mike told me to 'pick' so I decided on a ladder-type workout with limited rest. We did 400, 600, 800, 800, 600, 400, with decent-paced 400 jog rests in between. + wu and cd came to 7 miles. The repeats got harder as we were more and more winded at the start of each one because the rest was so short/fast. Overall, I think it was a good workout though because we had to practice being tired/out of breath and pushing through. I'm hoping this will come in handy in oh, about 17 days......
Wanna know a secret? I'm taking a "mental health day" tomorrrow. I've been wanting to all year, and finally decided tomorrow is the day (because I will 'loose' my vacation days after this week). Which means that I'll be running a 20 miler (knock on wood) because I can't this weekend as I am working and going to Cedar Point with my school. The day will also involve copious amounts of napping, eating, and cleaning my apartment. I'm so excited. Finally, being a teacher is paying off! It felt so good to turn in my sub-plans today and go, knowing that I don't have to drive back tomorrow. Sometimes a girl just needs to regroup, ya know? And my regrouping just-so-happens to involve running for 3 hours or so..... :)
Have a good night/day all! :)
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