Tuesday, April 27, 2010

32- winter!?!? WTF

This morning it was thirty something degrees on my morning run at 7am.  Even more disturbing was the fact that there was a wind chill!?!? WTF.  I'm not a fan. 

However, despite the conditions, there was running to be done.  Specifically 12 miles with 6x1000 tempos thrown in.  I'm not gonna lie, my legs felt sluggish right away when I woke up this morning, and I wasn't sure how this run would go.  I know that I'm asking alot of my body jumping in even harder post-Boston, but I'm really just focusing on pushing through the tiredness this week and hopefully coming out stronger.  The repeats went pretty well (especially the ones that were with the wind vs. against it!)  When I was finished, my legs were tired though.  I kept my rolling stick handy in my passengers seat today so I could roll out my right quad while driving (at stoplights of course! ;) 

Fast forward through the work day to tonite.  I met up with my training bud at the track and we knocked out 400 repeats at 1:17-1:19 pace.  The workout was only a few miles, but it was good to get some leg turn over again.  Now my legs are officially spent.  Hoping to recover overnight because I have *planned* a mid-long run + a 5K race tomorrow.  We will see how that goes......

On another note, I seem to be constantly hungry since Boston, and it is really bothering me.  Perhaps I will try to do a fueling post to get some insight from others about how my eating compares to other runners, because maybe I'm lacking in something?  I'm not even all that sure how many calories I 'should' be eating in regards to my lifestyle + jobs + running.  If anyone knows of any good bloggers out there or info, I would appreciate it!


  1. ewwwww wind chill. and i've been soooo hungry post-boston too. i haven't even gotten back into running but my appetite is through the roof! weird because i was never this hungry during training.

    and OF COURSE i'll send you some mad-training vibes. although i doubt you'll need them: i totally look to you to be all hardcore :)

  2. It was cold the other morning on my run. I was thinking what?! Lol at rolling your quad that the stop light. You gotta do what you gotta do! ;)

    I'm sure you are hungry! Your training is intense! You're my hero, lol! I'm glad I can still follow you here. Miss you on RW :)
