Good evening!
Going to make this quick because I'm on a role cleaning my apartment and don't want to interrupt it!
Let me tell you- 4:45am felt SO EARLY this morning. I promised myself I would nap post-work and probably take a rest day. My quads were tired from hills yesterday and overall I just felt wiped from the week.
Work was busy of course, but not too bad. The shift really drug on though and I was so ready to leave by the time 2pm rolled around. I knew I had a million and one things to do tonite to get ready to go home to my parents' after work tomorrow and I've hardly touched my to-do list for the week because of all of my working + working out. Buttt, the only thing on my mind was a nap. I ended up talking to my mom on the way home + about 4 more time after so I only laid down for 30 minutes or so. That is when I decided to go in the opposite direction- if a nap wasn't resting me, a run would! I knew that I would still be fighting gail force 4:30pm winds, but I just decided to head out on a new route and take it as easy as I could, as my legs were feeling fatigued still (don't know if it is work, running, or I'm just being a wimp!) Anyway, I love running in 80 degree weather in a tank top and shorts- the hotter the better! I ended up on a new loop that was really nice (except for the 2.5 miles straight into the wind!) Funny story: I was running through this farm/industrial place/pizza headquarters at this point and for some reason they have 23 American flags (yes, I counted) really high up. I could see them all from really far away, blowing right in my face- mocking me! Ha, it was intense! Long story short, the run was good, short, sweet and relaxed, and really energized me! I got 7 miles in at 7:31 pace. Chatted with my sis on my porch (I love my new apartment!) and got cracking on cleaning. All good.
Tomorrow is crazy because I got an 'offer' from my boss to work a farmers' market with him in Detroit (we sell the stuff from the bakery). Soooo, we are meeting at 5am at the shop, and it will be a 5am-5pm day. Good news = overtime. Bad news = 3:45am alarm. Probably will take a rest day tomorrow as it has been exactly 3 weeks, which I like.
Alrighty, I'm off to pack and finish up cleaning! Happy Friday!
relaxed = 730. hahah. that's my tempo pace girl. i bet all three factors are contributing to your fatigue, you live such a busy life and are constantly on your feet. and yet you still pull out miles that i dream of hitting :)