I totally need to make an attempt to blog during the week because I think of all these interesting, witty (well, witty in my head!) things to say during my runs throughout the week, and then forget everything by Sunday night, when I sit down to blog!
Oh well, here's the recap:
Monday- Ouch. Legs were TIRED from legit run on Sunday. Same old recovery day- 10 miles split into 6/4. The 6 in the morning were hard- hilly route + wind = bad decision. The 4 at night were nice/faster up to core class. Core class was good. I got into a jump rope competition with another guy. Don't worry, I dominated him. 86 jumps in 35 seconds. We'll see if I can beat that tomorrow!
Tuesday- 10 miles. On treadmill. Wish I could have had some faster ones in there, but my leggies were still pretty wiped. My recovery this week has been terrible in general, so I'm glad that I got this done. I think it was 8:20ish pace? Swim afterward felt amazing.
Wednesday- a character-building 15 miles on the treadmill. This was a complete mental battle, as opposed to a physical one. The thought of getting on at 6:30am, and watching the clock make two complete circles was messing with my mind. But I'm really happy I am pushing through these runs. 12 miles in, I felt great. Hit the last few miles around 8.0mph. Overall, good run. Post-work, I had a session with a personal trainer. She showed me some stretches and some hamstring-strength exercises. It was actually really good/interesting. Then, core class. Then, cycle. Both were lovely, actually. New instructors than when class started, but I can roll with that. Wednesday's are good days.
Thursday- Didn't have to work at the bakery (yay!) so I flopped my Friday milage to this day so that I could swim on Friday. Did 6 miles, nice and easy before work. Then, met up with Mike for 8 more miles, after work. This was a really good run. It was warm and Mike and I always run fast without trying. I have to admit that my legs were tired by the end though. 8 minute pace overall. 14 mile day, which was good.
Friday- Outside run in shorts and a t-shirt at 3:45am- awesome. It was breezy out which added a eery feeling to being out that early. Was right at 8:00min pace again, which was amazing because these super-early, super-dark runs I'm happy to hit 8:30pace. 90 minute cycle class was fun too- I am trying to push myself more in these classes lately. Post-cycle, I completed the morning's reverse triathalon with a swim (mile-ish?). Awesome way to start out the day. Equally awesome is coming home from work and taking a nap.
Saturday- Ugh. Woke up feeling terrible. Cold/flu symptoms and totally run down. It was 4am, and I debated going back to bed, but hated the idea of 5 easy miles hanging over my head all day at work. So, I took them to the treadmill and squeaked them in in just under 40 minutes. After work, I proceded to nap from 3pm-6pm, then sleep again from 8pm-9am this morning. Either I suck at recovering, or I am sick.
Sunday (today)- 17 mile long run on the schedule, luckily with no MP miles. I decided to go the complete opposite of last week and *not* be a slave to my Garmin and just run as I felt (because I still was feeling so blah.) Headed out on my favorite 15 mile loop that I could now do because it was actually light and most of the snow had melted. 8 miles in, I started feeling pretty bad. Slogged through the end, actually. I'm really happy I pushed through and got it done, but I'm really hoping my body feels better soon. 8:13 pace, which is good, but the effort it felt like I was putting out the whole run was terrible.
And since I finished my LR on perfectly dry pavement about 6 hours ago, about 6" of snow has fallen. Ugh. I hate winter so much, and was so excited about it not being here anymore! Good news is, I'm on winter-break from teaching. Bad news is, I decided several weeks ago when talking with my boss at the bakery, that it would be a good idea to volunteer to pick up extra hours there this week, rather than just chill out and reap the benefits of being a salaried teacher. So I'm working more at the bakery. Starting tomorrow at 6am.
So that is it from here. Recap:
2 core classes
2 cycle classes
2 swims
77 miles :)
This week is a 'cut-back' week, and as much as I usually hate that sort of thing, I'll take it right now. I may even have a full rest day in my future as it has been 6 or 7 weeks at this point. We shall see how it goes!
Hope everyone is ready for the new week! Hope it is filled with Peace, Love, and Running! :)
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