I had full intentions of posting last night, but my spotty internet was gone again! So annoying.....So, this is a double post!
Yesterday - bad day. My runs were slooow and sluggish and my legs felt dead. Starting with an 8 miler in the morning before work. Then, my work day was terrrrible. Lots of crap happened that I had to deal with as a teacher, and it basically bummed me out and infuriated me. I won't bore you with the details, but lets just say sometimes my school drives me nuts. Plus, on Thursdays I teach 6 periods in a row with no break besides 20 minutes for lunch. And I don't have a 'classroom' so I'm running around between rooms and the gym (one period for PE) And a particular teacher thinks it is cool to stick her Lean Cuisine in the teacher's lounge microwave for 10 minutes when I only need it for like 30 seconds. Yeah, that's not cool. So I have about .3 seconds to eat. Buzz kill.
Then, because I had to deal with the crap of my day after work, I got on the road 15 minutes later than usual. Which meant I SAT in traffic. My commute took almost 2 hours, which meant I missed running with my running group. I was so pissed that I just parked my car 6 miles from the store we meet at, and ran there. Everyone was 'packet stuffing' for a race this weekend, which is something we all volunteer to do every few weeks in exchange for race entries. So I got to hang out for a couple hours and chat, which was nice. Then Mike drove me back to my car, which was also nice because my legs were totally wasted and I hit my 14 miles for the day already and it was 9:30pm.
So on to today.....
I had intentions all week of doing my long run today ie: my last 20 miler before the marathon because a) I didn't have to work either job and b) I HATE having to drag my tired butt out of bed Sunday morning after working a crazy long/tiring day at the market Saturday. But honestly, I wasn't sure if I could do it today after this week of training. My legs felt so terrible yesterday, I wasn't sure if it would be worth it if I was hitting 10 minute miles or something. I slept in though, and decided to make the decision in the morning. I was scheduled to have coffee with a friend at 2pm, but when I got up at 8am (yessss, amazing) she had cancelled. I took it as a sign because this meant I had nothing 'scheduled' until 6:30pm tonite. Although I'm over my head in grading....but that's besides the point.
So I decided to try.
I knew that my 'other run' ie: what I will do on Sunday had to be 13 miles, and so I gave myself license to stop then if I wanted and do 20 on Sunday. But honestly, who am I kidding. There was no way I would stop at 13 miles!
So I set out on a 'new' loop that I only did once last spring as a 15 miler. Honestly, my legs killed but the run itself went by really fast. I ran by horse farms, almost got hit by oncoming traffic on a too-narrow county road shoulder, ran through fresh tar leaving footprints, and counted road kill (15 road kills in less than 10 miles including snakes, birds, racoons, and un-identifiable rodents.) I also ran by this cool farm market that I ended up driving back to this afternoon and scoring some cheap, Michigan-grown produce! 14 miles in, I was back in town and grabbed a drink at a waterfountain in a park. I hate waterfountains, but I make exceptions when running. I realized how dead my legs were at this point and almost had a mental breakdown. But, then I decided that 6 miles was nothing and I turned on my ipod for the first time during the run, which helped. Having to run from town -----> my apartment pretty much all uphill at the end = not cool. But I did it. And honestly, that is what today was about. When my Garmin hit 20 miles almost exactly outside my apartment, I felt proud. Was it a fast run? No. Did I feel great? No. But I did it. And honestly, you never regret a run.
20 miles @ 8:38 pace. Today, that was all I had.
I then proceded to eat frozen grapes while soaking my legs in the freezing cold pool at my apartment. Then, I was freezing so I jumped in the jacuzzi. Good call.
My legs? Basically they are hurting. I feel like I'm really tapped out right now from a physical and mental sense. I'm a few days over the 3 week mark and my body feels very much in need of a rest. I just hope I can hold on for a few more weeks.....
And now I must tackle the mountain of grading. Market allll day tomorrow, which I get strangely excited about. Other than the fact that it is an early, physically exhausting day, it is alot of fun. Or maybe I'm just a dork? Hmmmm
Happy Weekend! :)
bummer about the bad day yesterday but way to kick out a kick ass 20 miler! you are totally right about never regretting a run :)