So, coffee shop time for me again tonite. Back at the internet-less apartment. So let's get to it!
Running wise, today was a designated 'recovery' day with 11 miles; 6 morning, 5 at night. I started the day with a nice run in town with my mom. We did a new route together that was actually really shaded and pleasant. Good times. Then we randomly bought sweatshirts at the old bakery that I worked at for the last 5 summers. No worries that it was like 90 degrees....that's how we roll, spontaneous purchases! Then, I took my mom on a scenic drive home because I wanted to go by the hill I ran up on my 14 miler yesterday because I thought it was sooo hard but I was worried I was just being a pansy. It was decided that I wasn't as my mom said "I want to puke just driving up this hill!" lol.
Then it was driving, driving, driving, downstate.
So in lue of Thursday night running club, my club decided to do a low key cross country race that supports a small, local college. I thought "5K, no big deal." Oye. I forgot how intense XC is- NOTHING like roads. The course was hilly, with rough footing and in ankle deep grass. My 7:30 pace felt harder than my marathon! I survived though, although Mike beat me....we then did some cool down miles before deciding we were too hungry! So, I got my milage in, but it certainly didn't feel like 'recovery!' lol.
That's all from here! More bakery fun tomorrow, (plus running of course) then I get to go downtown on Saturday for work at the market! I love being up north, but I love being here too. Let the good times roll! :)
you are too kind and awesome. i totally teared up a bit reading your comment on my post :)
ReplyDeletebut BAMF. totally my idea of recovery too hah!