Sunday, February 7, 2010

71- great eight!

Today after a lovely 11 hours of sleep (10pm-9am) I got up for my 'long' run (ie longest since my injury and my 3rd run back.)  I set off on my hilliest course, although I must say all of my runs are pretty hilly because of where I live.  I channeled my inner marathonmadien and tried not to be judgemental of my pace or even worry/look at it during the run.  I actually felt fresh and 'spring-y' throughout the whole thing and returned home wanting more!  Even more surprising was the fact that upon looking at my garmin when I returned, I ended up averaging 8:17 miles, which is15 or so seconds faster than my normal 'recovery pace.'  Splits were pretty gnarly and promising too:


Glad I finished strong, especially after the hills took alot out of me in the middle.  I need to build back up my leg/lung strength!  The pelvis felt good throughout and is *mostly* ok through the rest of today, it feels more tight then hurt if that makes sense.  My legs are super tight too- I really need to get back into the whole stretching program that I was so diligent about pre-injury!

Overall, a good catch-up day of prep work and cleaning.  I love having my apartment clean going into the week.  All my stuff is packed for jobs x2 tomorrow and I'm going to have a whole new level of busy-ness with my day tomorrow.  Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. so 8 miles? that's soooo awesome that you were able to bang out such rocking miles!! i know that youre obviously used to more / faster but i think that you are amazingly talented to do this run after the all the pelvis stuff that's been going on :)
