This is going to be short and sweet cuz I've been feeling kind of blah today. Stomach/headache-y. I'm hoping extra early sleep will cure all.
Today was an 8 miler around the lake up north. It was dark and freezing and the roads were snow covered, but I felt pretty bad ass and I got to test out my new head lamp. Good times. Then, cafe workin from 9-5. Good times as well.
Tonite, core and stretching and my favorite part of the night- foot soak. I am determined to make my feet look less like hamburger and more like actual feet!
Hmm, I'd like to chat more, but I really just want to sleep off this stomach-y stuff!
Peace out,
feel better! nice work on the 8 miles in not-so-great conditions and i'm jealous of your foot pampering time. i sooo need to do that, my feet are pretty icky haha