Sunday, September 20, 2009

More chobani, bad run, PB & J lara, and Sunday errands

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Ok, so I lied about having a lot of pictures, but I do have a few things to talk about and a couple poor-quality pictures to share!

First: Chobani!
I tried the pineapple Chobani last night as part of dinner pictured below (toast, a peach, and chobani). I was excited because this seems to be the most popular flavor, however, I must say it was disappointing. It was 2%, rather than fat free which isn't a big deal, but I could taste no textural difference. If it is going to have fat in it, I would like it to taste more creamy than its skim counterpart. Furthermore, unlike the other flavors it seemed too sweet and I didn't like the little pieces of fake-tasting pineapple. Sorry Chobani, this flavor is not my favorite!

This morning I tried the Honey Chobani for breakfast and was much more pleased. I sweeten plain greek yogurt with honey sometimes so I did know that the two flavors worked well together. I like how the honey flavor was infused throughout, making it pleasantly sweet and the ingredient list was the least complicated; just milk, cultures, and honey. This flavor brings the Chobani tally to 3 out of 4.

Second: Bad Run
This morning I set out on a 15 miler that turned into a 11 miler. Although all summer my milage has been 70-80 per week, I really have been doing more double sessions than long runs and I need to start encorporating long runs for my Philly training. This run was bad though. My legs felt yesterday's hills and were sluggish from the start. They never loosened up and my pace kept slowing. I felt nauseous throughout the run which NEVER happens to me. I got discouraged and made the decision to cut it short because it was doing more harm than good. When I though more about the last week, I realized I've really done alot. Although my milage has not been as high, it has been more 'quality' with a half marathon race, speedwork for the first time in months, a 15K race, and today's attempted long run. Not to mention that I haven't had a rest day in atleast a month. Keeping all of this in mind, I feel better about even getting in the 11 miles today!

Third: PB&J Lara Bar

The nice people at LaraBar sent me four bars to review. I grabbed this one on my way out the door to the laundrymat post-run because my stomach is too iffy still from the run for lunch, but I wanted some calories to replenish and power me through some laundry! Let me start by saying that I don't eat PB&J sandwiches. I was allergic to nuts as a kid, and am just starting to encorporate small amounts of nut butter into my life. With that said, I cannot compare this bar to the actual thing. HOWEVER, IT. IS. DELICIOUS! Seriously. You need to get you some! Nice balance of fruit and nuts. Moist, but not greasy. I don't understand when other bloggers describe LaraBars as 'greasy.' It is a bar made only of dried fruit and nuts, so does one expect it to be dry? Yum yum. It was good.

Which brings me to....
Fourth: Sunday Errands
As you can see, I'm enjoying my LaraBar from my laptop. Sunday, laundry day. I always try to clean and do stuff like that on Saturday, so I have Sunday to do my "fun" stuff- ie grocery shop for the week and do laundry. Am I a dork that I like doing laundry? Everything all clean, fresh, and organized- I love it! I don't love paying for it though. That is the good part about going home- clean FREE laundry! :)
Well, time to switch my washers. I have some good eats planned for this week that I am going to pick up the ingredients for. Stay tune for pics and recipes!

Let's all make this week great, OK?


  1. I'm doing my laundry today also!! I haven't done it in a while, so I have tons to do, but I love the clean smell and fresh look of my closet when its all folded and put away...I'm sorry your run wasn't the best, but you are such a beastly runner I'm sure you will do awesome in your marathon

  2. i kind of like doing laundry. i definitely like having all clean clothes (haha) and i love the smell of it too.

    sucks about the run, but you'll bounce back. you're such a talented runner!

  3. Great post! I help run the LARABAR Blog, and I just wrote a post celebrating your blog! Check it out at Email me at so we can send along some goodies. Thanks!!!
