So, what's a 'normal' non-work day like for T-Mart? Generally, ok ALWAYS, it includes a run (today an easy 8 mile recovery), good eats, errands, job hunting, and some mindless TV. The same things are included on a work day except with much more focus and less procrastination! A 'normal' lunch? Well, I'm still working on that, as I am a fan of random combinations such as this:
Yummy fresh green beans with a chunk of string cheese and cottage cheese with raspberries!
Oh cottage cheese! How I've negected you! Alas, we are reunited as you provide such a delicious source of dairy protein without making me need to sell a kidney to afford you (ahem...greek yogurt...).
And we can't forget one of the more amazing parts of lunch:
Yes, that would be a frosty and delicious diet coke in the world's cutest glass! Oh yeah, I said it "diet coke!" If you think this is going to be one of "those" blogs full of tofu and coconut water and green monsters- think again! While I love reading and respect those people- that's not me. I try to keep it healthy and all but like I said, I'm all about keeping it real!Well, if you made it through this rambling of a post, congrats! If you didn't, better luck next time. Wait, I guess if you didn't then you wouldn't still be reading this stuff that I'm typing now. Crap, there goes that logic!
Peace, Love, and Running!
hey, found your blog through rwol. i totally know how you feel about rambling posts, at first i felt all mine were like that haha :) plus diet coke = my water so i think i'm going to enjoy reading your blog heh